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Tips for Discolored Leaves

The most common causes and how to prevent it 🌱

Elena Eriksen avatar
Written by Elena Eriksen
Updated over a week ago

Quick summary:

  • Yellow or purple leaves can typically be caused by low temperatures, poor seeds, lack of nutrients, or insufficient light.

  • Brown spots may be caused by low temperatures, leaf burn, or plant disease/pests.

Yellow or Purple Leaves

1. It's been too cold (below 20°C / 68°F)

Plants thrive best in temperatures between 20–25°C (68–77°F). If it's colder than 20°C (68°F), they may grow slowly and struggle.

If your Auk is placed by a window with a cold draft, consider moving it to a warmer spot.

2. Plants aren't getting enough nutrients

Insufficient nutrients can lead to discolored leaves, which may look something like this:

If your plants resemble this, it's likely due to a nutrient deficiency.

For Auk Mini – did you remember to add nutrients with every refill of water? If you've been following the correct dosing (6 pumps of the green and 3 pumps of the red for a full tank if you're growing herbs), try adding a bit more water after the nutrients next time to ensure it mixes thoroughly.

Fortunately, if you find out your plants have been lacking nutrients, it's easy to fix! They usually manage fine without nutrients for a while (at least a couple of weeks) and tend to recover quickly once they get it again 😊

3. Some plants aren't getting enough light

Leaves that don't get enough light typically turn yellow (especially the lower ones that are completely shaded). Simply remove them and harvest regularly so new, healthy leaves have space to grow.

The lower leaves often end up in the shade and die early. These should be removed.

Brown Leaves

1. It's been too cold (below 20°C / 68°F)

Plants thrive in temperatures between 20–25°C (68–77°F). If it's colder than 20°C (68°F), they may grow slowly and struggle.

If your Auk is near a drafty window, consider moving it to a warmer spot (especially in winter).

For example, basil is sensitive to cold and temperature fluctuations, which can cause brown leaves:

You should remove any leaves with brown spots and keep the temperature above 20°C.

2. Could the leaves have been burned?

This can happen if the plants grow up into the plant light. Remove the burnt leaves, and continue to harvest regularly so they don't grow too close to the light.

Remove burnt leaves and remember to harvest regularly

3. Plant disease or pests

This doesn't happen often, but plants can get diseases (e.g., fungus), or insects may get in and damage the plants.

Sometimes, it’s enough to remove the affected leaves, while other times, it may be best to start fresh – it depends on the situation. You can find tips for various pests here.

Feel free to send us a picture if you're unsure; we'll help you figure out what to do.

Here's an example of basil affected by pests/plant disease:

If your plant has brown or silvery spots, it's unfortunately likely due to disease or pests.

Don't hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected] if you have any questions 🌱

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