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How to plant your seeds for the best results

Here are some sowing tips 🌱

Elena Eriksen avatar
Written by Elena Eriksen
Updated over a month ago


  1. Use the right amount of seeds - instructions are on the back of each seed packet.

  2. Spread the seeds evenly across your pots.

  3. Press the seeds down into the coco fiber (except for oregano, mint, watercress, and lemon balm, which should be sown on the surface as they need light to germinate).

Watch the video or check out the points below for more information:

1: Check the back of the seed packet for instructions

All Auk seeds come with a description of how many to sow, and how to sow them, on the back of the seed packet. We recommend using approximately the amount specified on the packet (but don't be afraid to experiment).

If you’re using your own seeds or seeds from another supplier, check our recommended number of seeds on the product page for each seed type.

The back of the seed packet has useful info for each seed type.

2: Open the packet and take out the seeds

You don’t need exactly the right amount, but try to get it about right.

3: Spread the seeds evenly across the pots

Spread the seeds evenly, and don’t put too many in the same spot.

4. Push the seeds into the coco fiber

After all, it's moisture that makes the seeds sprout, so make sure they are slightly covered with coco fiber.

The exceptions are oregano, mint, watercress, and lemon balm, which should be sown on the surface – they need light to germinate.

You can use your finger or a tool to push the seeds into the soil.

Last but not least, don't be afraid to experiment!

Each plant is unique, and it's not that important to get it perfect the first time. Try out different seed types and amounts, and enjoy the process - this is part of the fun of growing.

Good luck with your plants! 🌱

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